The following are the commandments that god would like followed for our world and all of the things he considers Sins so they might be understood

Thou Shalt Not




Murder is defined with premeditation, and forgiveness must be sought by those affected, in this world or the next. Deaths in self defense or for the defense of others will be forgiven if the cause is just.
Torture is defined by repeated physical, spiritual, or mental harrassment or abuse until the recpient asks for death, and requires repentance and understanding from those responsible and restoration of trauma until doing so brings joy to both parties.
Rape, whether it be of life, property, or sex must be attoned with comfort and care to those affected until their life and livelyhood is restored.



Slavery involves servitude in any form that does not bring joy and must be performed for the sake of life or of spirit and includes agreements or debt that are waged against those merely for being born.
Oppression is denial of freedom or liberty to act in ways that benefit others or brings no harm to others, especially where doing so would bring healing.



While God understands the destire to indulge, doing so to the point of Sin is where it brings to others or the planet harm.
​Stealing from others, whether it is a possesion, an emotion, or a person is wrong, and all sins that fall under this category carry the same forgiveness.



​Many things can be sold to the highest bidder, the worst of these being friendship, love, sex or spirit. Doing any of these things in any form is considered a Sin, including demanding payment for dating or friendship.
.​Where the responsibility is yours to care for another, out of a position of authority or aid, as a parent, a brother or even a friend, failure to do so is considered a Sin.



​Deception or Bribery that brings others to harm, especially where pride is involved is a Sin, and accepting a bribe where you think you are worth more than your role in society or your job is an even greater Sin.
​​ The spirit is born as soon as sperm reaches egg, and God considers it one of his children. However, prevention and circumstance may allow a few permissions.



Misuse of our planets resources often affects more than just ourselves, and we should be taking steps to restore that on earth which has been lost
​Denying who you are is a great Sin to God, but he understands the temptations of love and forgives.



Men and Women were made differently and as a whole have characteristics that make them shine in certain places, skills, and professions, but as individuals we are varied and should not be denied on the basis of gender.
The creatures of the earth may have been provided as our domain, but they are living beings with hearts and minds as we have and should not be subjected to conditions we would not accept ourselves



Pursuing an object, person or desire until harm is brought to another is an act of negligence even if that pursuit is of work, joy or even God.
Whether the action causes a loss of position or damage to property, care must be given to ensure the affected parties do not fear the act again


Pride in the form of confidence is a good thing, but pride when used to place oneself above another for the purposes of making them feel weak or useless is not